om ajnana timirandhasya jnananjana salakaya
caksur unmilitam yena tasmai sri gurave namah
O Gurudeva, you are so merciful. I offer my humble pranama unto you and am praying from the core of my heart that, with the torchlight of divine knowledge, you open my eyes which have been blinded by the darkness of ignorance.
Today's blog post is courtesy of Devarsi prabhu, whom I met via YouTube and who has added me to his newsletter wherein he sends updates to his spiritual blog.
It is a very beautiful blog, with many transcendental topics being explored. I recommend everyone check it out.
Devarsi Prabhu's topic for today is: Whom can we trust? He shares a beautiful excerpt from the Introduction to Srila Gurudeva's Journey of the Soul.
Here is the link to that blog post: "Whom can we trust?"
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